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If you are already using Zapier, you certainly want to connect it to ncScale.
We will guide you to make sure that everything is configured and ready to go!


Note that while connecting your Zapier account to ncScale, you're binding the Zapier user to the tool you'll create on ncScale.
This tool will only have access to the zaps owned by the Zapier user, not the zaps that are shared with your account

Click here to see what you're able to do with Zapier on ncScale:

First, you'll need to go on your Application settings, and create a Zapier tool.


Then, simply click on "Create tool"
You will be redirected to the Zapier website, where you'll have to log in to your account if you are not already logged in.
You will be asked to give permission to ncScale to access your Zapier account.


You simply have to click on "Authorize" to continue.

And now, your Zapier tool is completely configured and ready to go!