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ncScale automatically generated logs

In ncScale, there are logs automatically generated by our system that are not coming from No-Code tools.

Here is a list of those logs, and their meaning:

Make Scenario's state differs


This log is generated when one of your Scenario's state differs between the data we gather every 5 minutes from Make and the data we have stored on ncScale.
It is generally occurring when one of your scenario had encountered an error and have been automatically turned off by Make, or if your Asset Catalog is not updated, and needs to be synchronized.

Severity of the log: warning
Message of the log: Scenario Scenario name state differs between ncScale and Make. Either the scenario has encountered an error or assets are not up-to-date. Please try to synchronize your stack.

This log can be automatically generated up to 5 times per Scenario in a time range of 12 hours.